Sunday, May 06, 2007

By Baby

Elly arrived at 16.25hrs on 6th May 1978 as Ipswich scored the winning goal in the F.A. Cup Final. She was the first, only and dearly loved child for my husband and myself.

From the moment she was born she was alert and hungry!

She is still alert and hungry…….

Elly quickly moved through Education:

  • She joined Brownies

  • Learned how to be a radio broadcaster

  • Went on a tour of Queens University Library (aged 10)

  • Joined a church choir

  • Played Hockey, Badminton and Tennis

  • Took part in residential Science Courses

  • Tried canoeing, caving & rock climbing

  • After A levels it was off to Paisley University in Scotland, to read Marketing with French

  • Year three at the IUT in Troyes, France followed with new friends & experiences, but playing rugby was not what mother had in mind.

  • Back to Paisley for the final year and graduation.

Moving to Dublin opened many doors

  • Working for a Major International Company

  • Meeting her True Love

  • New Hobbies, Friends and of course travel

This is what happens when you fall in love!

On Tuesday she heads off on a working trip that will take her right around the world passing through the date line for the first time.

Elly work well, enjoy the experience and travel safely, as always bring my love with you and I look forward to the tales of your travels when you return.

Elly enjoy your birthday, make the day special! I will always love you


Anonymous said...

And a Happy Birthday from me too :)

P.S. Why is Elly doing her ironing on the Giant's Causeway?

grannymar said...

Elly does everything to extremes!!!!

Now we have proof she can iron… next I must gift wrap the duster!

We met that guy at the Causeway and he was raising money for charity. He had climbed Slieve Donard in the Mourne Mountains the day before, and on Elly's suggestion went on to climb to Napoleon's Nose/McArt's Fort on the Cave Hill overlooking Belfast.

He then crossed the channel over to Wales and climbed Snowdonia.

Anonymous said...

Now they know all my secrets!

Thanks for the nice post :-)

grannymar said...

Secrets! Just you wait 'till I start....!

'Elly's Secrets'... Now that would make a good podcast.

Large bribes welcome. ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Elly, and many more!

grannymar said...


Elly might have fallen into the case at this point.

John of Dublin said...

Nice tidy summary and so much fun to read. Great closeness evident. I'm an only child myself so I can relate to your bonding.

grannymar said...


Welcome back! Where have you been? we missed you and your photos.

Yes, Elly and I are close no matter how many miles there are between us.

I am a very lucky Mammy.